Thursday, June 19, 2008

New stuff new stuff la la la la new stuff!

Ohhh my goodness it's been a while.
RL seems to have completley taken over..I know ass huh? lol
Work's been nuts, I'm lucky if I'm in town....but in allll my busy-ery I've made tried to fit in a couple of new things.
Hope to see you in world soon....sorry to everyone who thinks I'm avoiding them...I promise I'm not!
I need to find a manager for the shop, if anyone's interested...lemee know.
Here ya'll are.

Kitty Face Necklaces, in 4 color in both black metal and silver

Raglan Rock Tees. In Red, blue & green

A lil somethin for the guys
NIN Tees...gray, red, green & Blue

Somethin else for the guys... Blue Italia Football Shirt. More teams to come sooon.

Blue Retro Jammies set

Black Skulls Jammie Set

Maybe these were inspired from my weekend of guitar hero? lol good stuff.
Psst...they match the raglan rock tees pretty well lol

Bangles...a few different styles up in the shope in black, red and pink

Pounce on over and grab 'em =p
I'll be participating in the PKC (Purrrrfect Kitties) hunt this weekend, so be sure to go check it out for alllll the many freebies.

Take care!