Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hiya kitties....couple new things out this week.
I've been tring to keep myself occupied (quitting smoking sucks)and staring at the computer screen seems to do the trick lol.. oh and Lan seems to have just disappeared from SL...which makes me an uber sad kitty...but forces me to work on clothes. Maybe I'll offer a hefty linden reward for anyone who can find this kitty's catnip? *pouts*
Moving right along then lol...
A huge thanks to Kitty Otoole @ kttywichin for a peachy keen review on some new release. Love ya girl =D

Another halter to add to the mix. I really like these argyle dealios and I think I'll make some more this weekend. Maybe a pink one for Amanda lol

Baby Blue Beach Bum
This outfit is puuurrrfect for the summer. Pastel pretty colors aren't usually me..but hey, it's uber cute.

Plaid Lolita

I've also put the halters and shorts up for sale as seperates for $99L.
Stay tuned for some interesting different stuff I've been working on this week, hopefully to be up this weekend.

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